Knights of Columbus Council 1389 Cottonwood, Idaho 3rd Degree
What Do Knights Do?
- Support the Parish – The Knights support their parishes by volunteering for church maintenance, transportation for the clergy, supporting church activities with funding and manpower, and numerous other ways.
- Supporting Seminarians – Any person who answers the call for the seminary, convent, or deaconship has a friend and supporter with the Knights. Through organizations like the Labore Society, Councils provide financial support.
- Helping Parishioners In Need – The Knights help the elderly and disabled in their parishes with yard work, snow shoveling, moving, and transportation.
- Special Olympics – Support for the Special Olympics is an official program sanctioned by the Supreme Council. Councils all over the world actively participate in this worthy event.
- Habitat for Humanity – Local Councils work hand-in-hand with their local Habitat for Humanity organizations to supply manpower, materials, and design expertise.
- Youth Athletic Programs – Supreme Council sanctioned programs like the Soccer Challenge and the Free-Throw Challenge promote healthy competition and sportsmanship in young people.
- Patriotic Celebrations – Councils and Fourth Degree Assembly Color Corps provide enthusiastic and colorful participation in Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Flag Day, and other patriotic occasions.
- Support for Veterans – The Fourth Degree Assemblies support the VFW, American Legion, and other veterans groups with direct contributions, medical supplies and manpower.
- …And So Much More! – The Knights give a lot and do a lot for their church and their community!
MEETINGS -2nd Tuesday of the monthat 7pm
Knights of Columbus Council 1389 meets at 7PM the 2d Tuesday of each month at the KC Hall at 606 King Street in Cottonwood. All members are encouraged to attend.
Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to Catholic gentlemen 18 years of age or older who are practicing Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.
KC Kernan Scholarship Procedures