MARRIED COUPLES RECEIVING TOGETHER – The couple will come up and stand side by side. If you are giving the Body you hold up two (2) of the Body and only say “Body of Christ’ once. They both respond together, “Amen”. Then you give the Body to one and then the other. This can be a little tricky if they are both receiving on the tongue. If this is the case you either hold 1 of the Body between two fingers of you left hand as you give the other with your right or place 1 of the Body back in the Bowl while you give the 1st Body to the communicant. Then give then give to the 2nd communicant without saying “the Body of Christ’ again. When giving the Blood, when they stand side by side, you hold up the Chalice and says “The Blood of Christ” only once. They respond together, “Amen”. You then offer the Chalice to the 1st communicant, then take it back as usual, wiping it and turning it, and then hold it up to the spouse without saying anything. We do have 1 or 2 couples already doing this. This was first introduced, as far as I know at Marriage Encounters, and I think it is a good way to help support Marriages. No one will be required to do it this way, but I want to give married couples the option if they want to.