Assumption Mass Ministry Schedule (2023)
St Anthony’s Mass Ministry Schedule (2025)
St Mary’s Mass Ministry Schedule (2025)
We have many different ministries taking place in our Tri-Parishes: Leadership Ministries, Liturgical Ministries, Spiritual Ministries, Edu-cation Ministries, Organization Ministries and Parish Life Ministries. These ministries are what keep our parishes alive and a place where the life of Jesus is lived. We are each called by God at our Baptism and strengthened with the gift of the Holy Spirit when we received the Sacrament of Confirmation, to serve God and neighbor. It takes all of us working and serving together to make our Parishes the Living Body of Christ.
This booklet has a brief description of those different ministries.
It takes everyone in the parish living and serving as Jesus calls us to do to keep our Parishes alive, health and a joyful place of worship. If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries call the parish office at 962-3214.